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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cold Brewing Tea

While we generally think of Tea as a hot brewed item, many Teas can be brewed using the ‘cold brewed’ method. Cold brewing has its benefits, such as being a little more ‘hands-free’ than the traditional method. You are not monitoring water temperature nor are you married to the timer. Cold brewing also allows you to prepare more Tea more easily than with the traditional hot brewed method. While you can certainly make Iced Tea by the traditional method, cold brewing is an excellent and much simpler alternative.

Cold brewing does differ from the traditional method in that it will contain less tannins than traditionally hot brewed Tea, resulting in less astringency, and a smoother taste. Another benefit, although strictly cosmetic, is that cold brewed Tea will remain clear in your refrigerator, and not get cloudy as a traditional brewed Tea might.

Do not mistake cold brewed Tea with “sun tea”. Sun tea is a method by which the jar with the Tea is left in the sun for several hours to steep. This can potentially be dangerous as sun heated water can be a perfect incubator for bacteria. Cold brewing is a much safer way to steep.

How to Cold Brew

You will need a pitcher to cold brew. Our Iced Tea Jug works perfectly for cold brewing. The separate chamber for the Tea leaves makes straining the Tea very easy. Any pitcher can be used however.

Fill your pitcher with the desired amount of filtered room temperature or cool water, never hot water.

Use 1 to 1½ teaspoons of Tea per 8 ounces of water, so in the 51 ounce Iced Tea Jug, for example, you will need approximately 6 to 9 teaspoons of Tea. Add the Tea leaves to the water in the pitcher. If you are using a regular pitcher, you may want to place the Tea in a T-Sac or infuser to make straining easier, particularly if using an herbal Tea or a fine leaf Tea. Herbal Teas, rooibos in particular, have very small particles that can be difficult to strain out. Be careful that you do not use an infuser or sac that is too small. You want the leaves to be able to completely unfurl in the brewing process.

Place in your refrigerator and let steep at least overnight, and if possible for 24 hours. Once finished, remove the infuser or strain the leaves out and you have a pitcher of perfectly cold brewed Iced Tea. With green or white teas, the leaves can remain in the pitcher for resteeping. To prepare a second batch simply add about a half batch of new Tea leaves to the old leaves and let steep in your refrigerator. You should not resteep more than once.

Here’s a tip. To enjoy your Tea without diluting it, make some ice cubes with some of your prepared Tea.

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